SAINTS Alums News & Views
Connecting St.Anthony High School Alumni and Greater Saints Community St. Anthony High School, College Preparatory, 620 Olive Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802, 562-435-4496, Fax 562-437-3055, www.longbeachsaints.org
Saturday, November 06, 2010
SAHS in Afghanistan

Beautiful Afghan Children

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Joe Amalfitano '51, Mike Lamp '66
Enjoy the 90th Jubilee photos from the link below and share with friends
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010

On Monday, June 21, 2010, the 27th Annual Msgr. Gualderon Golf Classic Committee, headed by Jim Sherrin '86, Chairman, produced another memorable SAHS memory and successful event, raising $50,000 for SAHS Athletic Programs.
Kudos to everyone who helped make this tournament a rousing success: Gina Maguire, President, Mike Schabert, Principal, Liz Brennan, Director of Development, Brian Walsh, Athletic Director, Awesome Alumni, St. Anthony High School Foundation, SAHS Advisory Board, Super Saints' Parents & Students, Golfers, Auction & Raffle Donors, Dinner Guests, Recreation Park Staff, Di Piazzas (pleasin' pizza), Big Red Bus, Legends (succulent pork sliders), Joe Josts (perfect pickled eggs), and ALL who provided ongoing assistance and sustenance throughout the day. From dawn to dusk, heard nothing but wonderful comments from all who participated, enthusiastically enjoying everything including the smooth sounds of Phil Carillo '84 and his Steelparade Band.
Special thanks to all-day onsite Professional Photographer, Saints' parent, Anthony Perez, perezfoto@verizon.net , who captured the day in over 200 photographs--all keepers! Check 'em out at http://www.smugmug.com/
Added feature this year was a motorcycle raffle, with pre-sale tickets @$10 being sold at the April 5K Beach Run/Walk, sponsored by SAHS parents, as well as at the June SAINTS Night at Frisco's Bar & Grill, Long Beach. Enthusiastic "Let's Ride" Saints and friends raised $7,000 on this raffle. Special thanks to Mike Lamp & Kevin Lamp for their involvement in spearheading this special feature. Johnny Pag of BAR HOG fame promises to return next year for another exciting motorcycle raffle. In case you haven't heard, winner of the BAR HOG drawing at the Golf Classic was none other than:
Marlene Wynne Moncure '66